have encountered Jesus Christ through personal and liturgical prayer, in the chapel, the classroom and through co-curricular activities.
understand all that is good, true and beautiful in this world is a gift that comes with responsibilities from God, who is the fullness of all that is good, true and beautiful.
fully shared in the Church as a sign of communion to each other and Jesus Christ.
learned that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.
Have felt the healing mercy of Jesus Christ extended to us through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Have respect for and promote the inherent equal dignity of every person, especially the poor, unborn and elderly.
foster a desire for holiness and continuous conversion to Jesus Christ, despite imperfections, in pursuit of their God given vocation to be single, married, a priest or religious.
know that “the human body includes right from the beginning…the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift—and by means of this gift—fulfills the meaning of his being and existence” (Theology of the Body, Jan. 16, 1980)
received excellent theological formation in the classroom, and powerful, tangible Christ-centered conversion opportunities on retreat.
Prepared through reason: Students upon graduation,
understand that faith is not contrary to reason, but that “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of the truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself” (Fides et Ratio, 1)
have a well-rounded college preparatory education, completing academic skills required for college or some other form of advanced education.
have collaborated with their peers in solving problems as a team and participated in project-based learning in the areas of Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
become able to evaluate the reliability and validity of digital information and are able to work efficiently and effectively in a technological world.
become a life-long learner, able to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
developed competence in oral and written expression that evidences sound analytical thinking and persuasive rhetoric.
Serving in virtue: Students upon graduation,
understand the importance of living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the community through acts of charity and works of mercy.
understand the importance of being a servant leader with humility and integrity through sharing their gifts and talents with others.
Understand the importance of evaluating moral choices based on an understanding of Catholic teaching and values.
respect cultural, socio-economic and intellectual differences, and accept constructive and non-constructive criticism with emotional maturity and charity.
Understand their role in local church engagement, so as to nurture our faith and communal life, while giving glory to God.