Faith Life » Retreats


St John Paul II High School Retreats


The Retreat Program is an important element in the formation of the Catholic educational community at St. John Paul II High School. It is an integral part of the school’s philosophy and the overall Campus Evangelization Plan. The Class Retreat provides a valuable opportunity for students and faculty to experience spiritual growth and to discern their current path in life, as well as the vocation to which God is calling them. The four-year Retreat Program reflects the centrality and priority of faith formation in the school community, and for this reason, students are required to participate in the annual retreats.  
In the event that a student has an excused absence from their annual Class Retreat, that student will be required to make up the absence by adding 10 solidarity hours or attending a parish or diocesan retreat of comparable length pre-approved by the Principal. If a student has an unexcused absence, s/he will have the same requirements as a student with an excused absence, and in addition the absence will be treated as a truancy, with an assigned three after school detentions.  Students must make up retreats before they take mid-term or final exams for the current year.


"The freshmen retreat was so amazing just to see how God reached out to others. I was really amazed how all the freshmen were hit like an upper punch. The power of the Holy Spirit hit them hard."

"I know its about the freshmen, but even I had another great experience here. Two of my best life experiences have been at his school and they have been at the retreat. I think that is saying something."

"Prayer team helped me open up about my faith. I never really prayed like I have during this retreat. I loved to pray for my specific Freshmen. When I prayed for them I felt a special connection. I'm glad I got to pray for them."

"This weekend was very powerful. Many people's lives were changed or affected. I was very happy and proud to be a part of something so powerful. I will definitely do it again next year and the rest of my time at high school. I had never staffed a retreat before and it was cool to see how many people work so hard for this to happen."