Weekly Parent Update December 3, 2020

Student of the Week

Hannah Reynolds, nominated by Mrs. Lee Sang.

Congratulations Hannah!



Campus Beautification

On Giving Tuesday we started to raise funds for campus beautification.  The first goal is to repaint the chapel.  If you would like to donate or know of someone who might, the link is below:



From Mr. Garcia

Reiann Longoria and Victoria Verdin were recognized as the Outstanding Academic Students of the Month at the December 2nd meeting of the Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi.  Each student received a frame certificate of academic achievement and an Amazon gift card. Congratulations to Reiann and Victoria.

Rotary Club


From Soccer Coach

"Sunday is the last day to buy your St John Paul II gear and Centurion soccer gear!! You can customize your gear with your name or number!! Soccer would love your help!"



Centurion Night of Worship

We will begin at 7pm with a brief talk/reflection by Fr. Sam Medley, SOLT, and then have a beautiful time of prayer and Adoration and an opportunity for Confession and plan to end at 8:30pm. This is a great opportunity to focus more on Christ this Advent season and we would love to see you and your families there to worship with us! 

Social distancing and masks and required to attend this event. You are invited to sit on the football field implementing social distancing practices or on the bleachers, which have been taped off. We would encourage you to bring a blanket to sit on if you plan to sit on the football field.

Please help us spread the word, invite students, and join us for a beautiful time of prayer, reflection, and Adoration.  We hope to see you and your families there! If you are unable to physically attend, please join us through the Live Stream on the JPII Facebook page. 

Please let myself, Mrs. Campos, or Mr. Windnagle know if you have any questions. 



Christmas Concert by Local Artist of Corpus Christi

Local artists of Corpus Christi, directed by Carissa Reyes and Ruben Galabeas will be presenting "A Journey to the Light" benefiting St. John Paul II HS.  The concert is free and tickets are limited.  Tickets must be secured online from:


Donations are being accepted at:





Thank you for all your donations for the Fall Raffle.  Congratulations to the winners:

1ST Prize Winner-Sterling Dunlap

2nd Prize Winner- Nora Ball

3rd Prize Winner- Cynthia Garcia 

4th Prize Winner- Martha Hernandez

5th Prize Winner- Eric Martinez

6th Prize Winner- Marisol Martinez

7th Prize Winner- James Testerman

8th Prize Winner- Steve Hubbard

9th Prize Winner- Aaron Garcia

10th Prize Winner- Barbara Pena

11th Prize Winner- Carlos Pena

12th Prize Winner- Robert Flores

13th Prize Winner- Valerie DeAlejandro

14th Prize Winner- Jennifer Aguilar

15th Prize Winner- Misi Balgenorth



Thank you to all the JPII & BG students who participated in the Live Nativity & all parents who helped especially with setup.  A big thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Arnolds, Mr. & Mrs. Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. McAllister, Mr. & Mrs. San Miguel & Mr. & Mrs. Lozano.  For all the time & help that was put into making this years Live Nativity a success.

Veronica Maxwell (Live Nativity Chairman)


Thank you to Veronica Maxwell and all the parents and students that made our 15th annual Live Nativity so special.  I know it was a sacrifice, but your commitment was a great reminder to the community of the true meaning of Christmas this Advent season.

Fr. Peter Martinez



Ticket sales helped needed for Basketball & Soccer games.  Get your parent hours.  Please sign up on the links below. 

Questions contact Priscilla San Miguel (361) 445-1143 or Melissa Perez (361) 549-1201


Girls Basketball Games Link To Sign-Up:



Boys Basketball Games Link To Sign-Up:



Girls Soccer Games Link To Sign-Up:



Boys Soccer Games Link To Sign-Up:


Please look at our “St. John Paul II High School PTO” Facebook page for more details and all the signup genius’ for parent hours.